Tuesday, September 8, 2009

1. To protect people from danger and to live in
2. Wherever he wanted his men to build the castle
3. Because we don't need as much protection like they did in the medieval times
4. The gatehouse was used as the castles entrance. The castles constable used this part of the castle to lower the big gate and let people in. Sometimes prisoners were kept here
5. Castles changed to improve their defense against their enemies. Some castles changed their windows to glass and moats were put around castles as an extra defense
6. The keep is my favourite because it is a defensive wall around the castle

By Jayden


Sam was sitting there for another hour then he saw some money on the ground he ran over and picked it up then he thought for a minute and ran off to the game room.When his mum came out she couldn't find him she had to find the police and tell them that she couldn't find her son then the police ask her were would he go probably the game room they all went to the game room and saw Sam.Sam's mother ran to him and said don't ever run away from me again. It wasn't much fun any way.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The recipe was so yum and it didnt take ages to do.

by Haz
End of the guard house story.

They wear protected armour and they never take there eyes off the enemies.

by Haz
"Ahem, I want you to tell the cooks to prepare all manner of food and drink. Organize a hunting party for the 15th.I would like you to deliver these invitations. As for entertainment, hire magicians, jugglers, dancers, tumblers, and musicians. Also for gifts for the children, go with 5 other men to the fair and buy as many dolls, hobbyhorses, hoops, and tops as you can buy with these 30 gold pieces. For our other guests buy robes, jewellery and spices. See if the tailor has finished with my dress-the white and seafoam green one- and I prepare the Yule Log. I shall see to the decorating of the castle personally. This is to be a Christmas Party no one will forget. Now, Ride Aloysius, Steward, RIDE!!! (August 2005)
As Sam sat eating his burger he heard a loud noise. He turned and saw Chain Mail Chris was charging down the mall follow by Bubble Gum Guy. Sam couldn’t believe his eyes he had only ever seen these guys on television. They run into the lolly shop and started to gather all the bubble gum off the shelves. A crowd had started to gather outside the shop, people were pointing and whispering. Then Chain Mail Chris said hurry up to Bubble Gum Guy we need to get out of here before they call the cops. With their pockets filled with bubble gum they ran back the way they had come. Sam’s Mum came out of the clothes shop with bags in each hand and said what is all the noise. Sam could hardly get the words out he was so shocked at what he had seen.

By Lukie