Monday, September 7, 2009

"Ahem, I want you to tell the cooks to prepare all manner of food and drink. Organize a hunting party for the 15th.I would like you to deliver these invitations. As for entertainment, hire magicians, jugglers, dancers, tumblers, and musicians. Also for gifts for the children, go with 5 other men to the fair and buy as many dolls, hobbyhorses, hoops, and tops as you can buy with these 30 gold pieces. For our other guests buy robes, jewellery and spices. See if the tailor has finished with my dress-the white and seafoam green one- and I prepare the Yule Log. I shall see to the decorating of the castle personally. This is to be a Christmas Party no one will forget. Now, Ride Aloysius, Steward, RIDE!!! (August 2005)

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