Friday, August 28, 2009

as soon as beth could not go any more she heard something. something strange she ran straight back and said is everything all right she said to sam who was just about to leave yeah it's fine you just carry on okay said beth so she carried on down the dark scary cave. she eventually reached the end and diden't know were she was so she carried on down a path and she did not know were she could end up so she just went and soon relized that it was her castle all she heard was beth were are you were are you please come out i'm over here said beth oh thank god you are okay but do you know how dangerous it is to be on your own where were you i was just playing with my ball and something magical happened to me and i met up with a boy called sam and i diden't know were i was and he asked me were i lived and i told him and he asked are you lost and i said yes and he told me to go through a cave and i did and i ended up back at the castle
by meeks


  1. Please put in the missing punctuation Meeks it is hard to breathe and it gets a little confusing
